Rowan Flynn

Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Cis Male
Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Build: Fit and muscular
Sexual Orientation: Chaotic bisexual
Occupation: Militia Captain of Byregot's Ward and mercenary
Birthplace: Swiftperch, La Noscea
Desires: Adventure, good gil, good alcohol, autonomy, control
Fears: Vulnerability, emotional intimacy, being controlled, trusting others
Personality: Abrasive, taciturn, stubborn, violent, irascible, practical
Voice Claim: Ben Starr

[Dialogue written by me and graciously voiced by Ben Starr. Thank you Ben and Cameo for bringing my character to life.]


Born Rowan Gallagher, the dawn years of his life were spent in Quarterstone, where he lived with his parents and two siblings in a state of constant financial flux. Theo and Iris Gallagher were a pair of aspiring con-artists who frequently dipped their toes into the murky waters of La Noscea's underworld with more failures than successes. This all came to a head when Rowan was 11 years old, when a deal gone wrong was settled by surrendering his custody to a crew of pirates.The Sea Shrikes were a brutal lot who lived up to their namesake's bloody reputation. Rowan served the crew first as a cabin boy, and eventually as the protege of Captain Arric Flynn as he took it upon himself to train the lad as a marauder. The Shrikes were known for casing coastal villages with a single crew member dressed in plainclothes, then calling in the rest to strike hard, fast, and without mercy. Of their victims, those who presented significant opposition--or annoyance--were left impaled in the village as a message and signature. It was a sink or swim lifestyle, and oftentimes, Rowan found himself scarcely treading water, but in the end he thrived among the violence.After nearly nine long years of it, at the cusp of 20, Rowan escaped the Sea Shrikes and struck out on his own as a mercenary in the hopes that he could use the skills he learned to better his fellow man... and perhaps, in time, himself.

RP Hooks

Axe for hire: Rowan lives and breathes for adventure and the better the pay, the more willing he is to overlook the finer details. Suffice to say, the key words here are "plausible deniability." His overall alignment is Chaotic Neutral, but he strictly adheres to his personal integrity, valuing freedom and autonomy above all else.

Captain of the Ward: Byregot's Ward is an entrepreneurial consortium of crafters and combatants alike who take on commissions from both independent contractors and organizations such as the Eorzean Alliance. That said, the Ward keeps its secrets close and despite his unyielding and uncharismatic nature--not to mention the oil and water relationship he shares with the charming yet enigmatic proprietor--Rowan serves at the helm of their martial pursuits and as his advisor.

Birds of a feather: Rowan's closest friend and companion is his chocobo, Levi. Taciturn though he may be, these animals are his soft spot and striking up conversation about his best friend is one of the few ways to get him talking.

Rumours Abound: While Rowan used to be an adventurer of only small renown, in the past couple of years he has been dogged by rumours. The more innocuous ones speak of his deeds, his vicious temper, and the company he keeps. In La Noscea and among coastal settlements, however, he has been linked to the Sea Shrikes--a violent and reviled crew of pirates whose ship and men were sunk and scattered nearly two years past. Between sharing their late captain's surname, wielding his axe, and fighting with the same bestial ferocity, none can deny that the two are connected. The exact nature of that connection remains up for debate.He has recently taken up a bastard sword, but when the hour calls for blood, the executioner's axe is never far from hand.

OOC Information and Trigger Warnings

I'm a 30 year old man. Been rping in XIV for a few years now. I firmly believe in IC =/= OOC as well as the importance of OOC communication, especially when RPing conflict or long-term connections of any sort. Mutual respect of boundaries is paramount; real life and mental health always come first!Due to mature themes and some heavy subject matter, I prefer my RP partners to be 18+. Younger characters may engage only if it is understood that there will be no romantic or sexual RP. This is not negotiable.Trigger warnings: While Rowan's experiences with mental and physical abuse can be assumed from his history, it is also implied by his behaviour that he is a survivor of sexual assault (dubious consent). I have no intentions of depicting such scenes beyond how it has shaped Rowan in the present, but I fully understand that these themes may be difficult to touch upon and encourage you to take care of yourself first. RP is meant to be fun, not harrowing!I enjoy RPing socially, as a participant in DMed events, and also as a DM.